Five Ways to Sell Your Garden

When selling a home it is really important to remember that you are not only selling a structure, you are selling a presentation. Below we will look at five ways creating a beautiful garden can create a beautiful selling experience.
1. Clear the Clutter: Does the outside of your home remind you of a horror movie? Are there discarded vehicles, dying trees and junk that should have been collected years ago? It is important to remember that buyers want to feel a sense of home from the moment they drive up to your property. If a lost traveler would be frightened to approach your yard, chances are a motivated buyer will keep driving as well.

2. Consider Your Options: Prior to creating your garden it is important to create a plan. Small properties will demand more creativity while large properties will demand more time and work. Before you purchase a single flower, assess what you are working with, make a list and then start digging.
3. Realistic Expectations: It is easy to imagine a sprawling oasis of beautiful flowers but it can be incredibly hard to create the perfect garden. It is important to have realistic expectations and avoid creating unforeseen projects that will delay the listing of your home.
4. Flowers or Rocks: Not every property will allow for a beautiful flower garden. A rock garden is a great alternative and can create a very welcoming atmosphere. Whether you fill it with decorative items or flowing water fountains, a rock garden can easily enhance the appeal of your property.

5. Have Fun: Gardening should be a fun and therapeutic experience. While it can demand a lot of work, it can also be a lot of fun and create a bonding experience for your family. Remember to enjoy your garden while creating a location for future buyers to call home.

Written by: Melanie Lutkowski